Advantage of lithium-ion battery in comparison to lead-acid battery

Hanker cycle life

Lithium-ion battery have a cycle life of at least 500 times, with a capacity of 70 % at the five-hundredth cycle. In comparison, lead-acid battery rich person a cycle life of no More than 350 times, with a capacity of up to 60%.

good low temperature discharge performance

Lithium-ion battery can operate at -25 degree with 70 % electric capacity, while lead-acid battery only range 50 % electric capacity at -10 degrees.

Ten advantage of lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion battery rich person a strong battery life, high particular energy, wide operate temperature scope, short charge time, high green performance, and can discharge high current without affect cycle life.

When reading technology news, it is necessity to analyze the advantage and disadvantage of different technology. In the case of lithium-ion battery versus lead-acid battery, it is clear that lithium-ion battery offer superior performance in footing of cycle life, low-temperature discharge, battery life, particular energy, operate temperature scope, charge time, environmental impact, and high current discharge capability. This comparison highlight the importance of stay inform about technological promotion and their potential impact on assorted industry. By understanding technology news, person can brand inform decision about adopt new technology and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolve digital landscape.

Post time: Jan-15-2022